

Our world is dying

Why does nobody see?

Constant distractions and smoke screens

Played well by the powers that be!

Life has been stolen and replaced by a screen,

Where invisible people long to be seen,

2 years of confinement, conditioned with fears,

Have we forgotten what our skies used to look like,

Nothing is as it appears

Always something to keep our minds busy,

That goal we're all working towards,

blinkers on, we all look for that elusive reward,

we're all puppets with invisible cords.

In a world that injects us with poisen

And nobody seems like they care,

Where is the uproar? the outrage?

the crys of dispair?

People dropping like flies

Mothers, daughters, fathers and sons

Indiscriminately and with out regard

Multi national genocide

© cloudy blue

The information is out there for those who wish to find it.

Search for "the dimming"