

You thought...
You thought I didn't understand you
Why didn't you just ask?
Every time I'd try to talk to you
You'd take me to task.
I'd ask if you'd be home for meals
But all you'd do was yell
How tough was it really to maybe gently tell?
I'd try to get your attention
But you'd just walk away
I could never find the words
To convince you to stay.
Meals would be cooked and kept upon the burner,
I should have enforced meals at home
I should've been sterner.
You'd prioritise work and friends
While I worked from home
Nights were the only time I wasn't alone.
I tried to chase you, to reason it all out,
You'd just snap my head off and begin to shout.
This side of you was hidden so no one could see
This side of you was reserved for only me.
Abuse happens behind closed doors,
The outside world will never know.

(Dedicated to everyone in an abusive relationship. You are not alone.)