

Beyond the wall
We stand at the wall, gazing out at the sea
Our accomplishments, our triumphs, our destiny
We think we've reached the end, the pinnacle of our might
But little do we know, there's a world beyond the light

The wall we've built, a barrier to our sight
A limit to our dreams, a ceiling to our flight
We settle for the familiar, the comfortable and the known
But beyond the wall, a universe of possibilities is sown

The youth, with fire in their souls, with dreams in their eyes
Must not be satisfied with the status quo, the mundane and the wise
They must push, they must strive, they must seek and explore
For beyond the wall, lies a world waiting to be implored

So let us not be content, with the achievements of today
Let us not be complacent, with the success we've made
For beyond the wall, lies a future, bright and bold
A future that awaits, the brave, the daring and the bold

Let us break down the walls, that confine and restrict
Let us shatter the glass, that limits our inspect
Let us push past the fear, that holds us back and down
And rise to the challenge, of a new and unknown town

For beyond the wall, lies a world of wonder and might
A world of discovery, of adventure and delight
A world where dreams come true, and possibilities unfold
A world where the impossible, becomes the possible to hold

So let us march forward, with courage in our hearts
And never look back, until we've reached the very start
Of a new era of greatness, of a new era of might
Beyond the wall, where the future shines bright.