

Star Spangled Despair
While you were all sleeping..
I crept in through your back door.
You were off in la la land..
While I silently started a war!

Your "Star Spangled Banner."
Says "Land of the Free".
Wheres "United" America?
You could of fooled me!

It then goes on to say..
America home of the brave!
But all I've seen is fear..
In the way you all behave!

My army is growing stronger..
I thrive on your demise.
I'm invisible, and I'm a killer..
Why do you act surprised?

With your finger on the trigger..
You're unstable holding your gun.
Outsmarted by a virus..
And you've nowhere to run.

Your empire has fallen..
It's crumbled beyond repair.
No longer America United..
Instead "Land of Despair"!

So sweet dreams America!
Go on back to sleep!
And while you're blindly in denial..
Your souls I'll take to keep!
© Derani