

The Depths I Have
The depths I have;
You aren't willing to go.
More than one halve;
Lost my own Hope's Glow.

The world I cherish wants me dead;
The world I despise wants Me.
The world I fight holds unison dread;
The world I love holds prospect for peace.

We all die after we exist;
We lose sight in pain.
We continue for what's betwixt;
Thinking there's much to gain.

With each day passed, we self-destruct;
From humanity large to lone man small.
Doesn't matter if it was evil's instruct;
Or mistakes of one who was abandoned by all.

Most of us who try to overcome our sins;
Will be forsaken by all we know.
Tossed aside by hypocrite's whim;
Regardless if we sought help to undergo.

The dead speak louder than the living;
In a world where the loudest is right.
The worst among us are the most forgiving;
And the best of us kill outright.

I ruined my chance to life;
My mistakes pushed off what I hold dear.
So I will put myself through strife;
To make myself the one the darkness fears.

I only ask to forgive the past I've sewn;
I only hope to pay my blood toll.
And that I may one day atone;
Or that God may have mercy on my soul.

© Bird in a Cage