

We Finally Got This Right...
Today was the most beautiful day. I got to hear your voice. It wasn't so long ago that I was afraid that I was afraid that you were not going to be here anymore.

You are the strongest man I know. You have shown what love is capable of. You have held my hand when I was scared and now I get to hold yours until you can come back home.

You have no idea the different ways that you have inspired me. Or how deeply you are embedded into my soul. I feel your presence even though you are not right here.

I miss your closeness next to me before I sleep, then you feel my dreams with your beautiful energy and flight. Every night since found each other again I have this reoccurring dream of you and I walking hand in hand. When we stop you look at me and tell me you have something important to tell me. With anticipation frantically taking over me I watch you kneel down to one knee. As I begin to cry.... You ask me a question.... will you marry me. With the quickest response I reply "yes, I cannot see myself with anyone else ".

To my love, you were oh so right.... One day will finally got this right! I love you, my one and only perfectly imperfect one!!
© Rhonda Broker