

I am an innocent boy finding a woo
The boy you asked "who? "
There're a dozen who like you,
I am one of them too.

Damp with rain drops,
Sitting here in your trap
Waiting for you to interact
With my fake craft.

But it seems I am not interesting
Cause you didn't even give a thing.
You are always giving an excuse
Seems like you don't wanna be use.

I don't know how?
How can you acknowledge me?
I am just a commoner near,
That peeks on you.

Here I am , Still hoping,
Hoping for us to be together,
Be with you forever
Never leave each other.

Again I am scared,
Scared that it'll be hopes forever.
We will never be together
And there will be no forever.

© Shashwat Jha