

Love that doth in me reign!

The last time we met, we fell in each others arms.
And In our tender desires, crowned with sweet words
Ready to sail wher'ever the ecstacy of emotions would take us
The tide enraged by love and nasty desires captained our boat
So sweet and appealing was our mutual trust that no leap
Of faith would've conquered its stiff foundation
When strong became the waves and the tide longer,
our insecurities subdued the once unbreakable trust
What took half a life time to be earned, was lost in a tear of an eye
Memories full of mirages that our past did encounter linger
Like yesterday,,,,, was just a few seconds ago.
I can still feel the smoothness of our heartbeat
The abudance of love in the air when were close
The sempony of sweet words in my ear when we talked
The warmth our bodies gave each other..
How appreciated and important I felt when we held each others hands..
The love that still my thirsty heart longs for ...
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