

He's not the only one
In shadows deep, a heart does yearn,
But sister dear, it's time to discern.
His charms may gleam, his words may spin,
Yet look beyond, the truth within.

He's not the only one who'll care,
For love's embrace is everywhere.
A world of kindness, waiting wide,
With open arms, where hearts abide.

Hold fast to dreams, let doubts take flight,
In your heart's glow, seek what's right.
For love should uplift, inspire and free,
He's not the only one, you'll see.

Choose a path that leads to light,
In your journey, find what's right.
With courage strong, you'll surely find,
A love that's pure, and truly kind.

Remember, sister, you deserve,
A love that's real and full of verve.
He's not the only one, you'll find,
True love awaits, gentle and kind.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)