

Limz Another Type Away 2
I'm good and I can become great since the world I live in gives me luxury and privileges. If I only think about myself, then how can I grow?

'Me and my first-world problems: damn, I can't turn off/on the TV. Damn, I can't boil the kettle today. Anyway, the TV is back on; let's see what's on the news...'

In some countries, long working hours with low pay are the norm. That's why bringing awareness is a must. In India, China, and Vietnam, many are working long hours with low pay.

'Me and my first-world problems: damn, I can't turn off/on the TV. Damn, I can't boil the kettle today. Anyway, the TV is back on; let's see what's on the news...'

In other parts of the world, mercury is extracted in countries like Peru and Ghana. This is a highly toxic substance, so you can imagine the health consequences, such as cancers, that emerge from contamination.

'Me and my first-world problems: damn, I can't turn off/on the TV. Damn, I can't boil the kettle today. Anyway, the TV is back on; let's see what's on the news...'---
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