

planned life vs unplanned life
In the garden of life, paths diverge, One is mapped, the other, free to surge. Planned life, a careful, charted course, Unplanned, a river, wild at its source.Planned life steps with measured pace, Every action, neatly in place. Dreams are nurtured, carefully sown, In a garden where each seed is known.Unplanned life dances with the breeze, Flowing freely, with joyous ease. Embracing chance, with open heart, Each moment, a spontaneous art.Planned life’s comfort, steady and true, A ship with a captain, a dedicated crew. Unplanned life’s thrill, an open sea, A sailor’s delight, wild and free.In the end, both paths entwine, Creating a tapestry, rich and fine. For in life's journey, both have a part, The planned mind and the unplanned heart.