

She is my Mother

She is surely a paragon of virtue
Who brought me into existence with abrogation.
When Iam low she is the one who imbue
Yes,she is my mother with heart of inlcination.

I am repetant for the times when I argue
And tookfor granted her insinuation
However she still understands and knew
My condour,my thoughts and my perception .

Being on her lap ,I am serene and out of apercu
All my problems turned into adumberation.
Manoeuvring the menge like a perdue
She is most beautiful with her smile as

Her love,her care,her value is worth wold's any accure
Upbringing me , she did number of renunciation.
Mom,I wish,I try,I abrogate to pursue you
So that I can get pride to be called your reflection.