

Black water diaries: Flesh garden
Forgive the angel who drowns her children, I chew on her wings to keep busy,

Vicodin, do not let the boy fiend for his insects that give birth in his hands, suture his gums and hide the teeth, Forgive the whore who opens her legs for another opiate lover fucking under her last starless sky, peel her from the daylight as the boy paints over the vomit,

Where is mother slumber?

Masturbating in her opioid coma too loveless to cover the windows, feed the child another death, burn god from his eyes as you crush your devils under plastics

Leave the child to contort on sun kissed concrete as you petrify onto leather, send him into the whores arms as he weeps to her scabs,

Send him to sleep, and wish he doesn't wake up to another angel rotting at the bedside
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