

Home Is Where The Heart Lives
“They've just stepped away .. like any other day.
They’ve only stepped away.

To journey in a joyful place. In thought or quiet wanderings.

In the heart we feel them, we know that they are near.
We see each precious moment shared .. So clearly.

We know now where our hearts continue.

We hear a voice, it speaks .. These words that echo true .."

“They've just stepped away .. like any other day.
They’ve only stepped away.”
We know they live beyond our thoughts.
We endure the passing years. We find through grief, along in time.
.. Our home is where the heart lives.

As we wait and as we linger in longing to be reunited.
A reunion long awaited .. In paradise some day.

I will not say it's easy to live with just the memories.
We must live on as they would wish. To keep them in our prayers.
In our thoughts. To keep their memories ever near us.

As they embark to embrace a joy unknown
Deep within we sense .. A truth, we've known .. Our home ..
Is where our hearts live

💡LightInDarkness 🌑 ©JFO👥2024
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