

The winning Dummy
You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Reading out the words that made no sense,
Not once did you lose faith,
Or let me be,
The slow and steady learner,
The butt of all the jokes,
Duffer! Failure! And more a loosing dummy.

You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Teaching symbols that make maths,
Never did you lose hope,
Or say you're done,
Because I did learn,
Even though I was the last,
A scumm! Stupid! And more a loosing dummy.

You sat with me under the shade of the trees,
Rememberinf the days I made no sense,
But you had faith in me,
And no one deterred you,
Because I passed,
Just enough to succeed,
Less Duff! No scum! One winning dummy.
© antonio sydney