

The Lady Of The Valley
She floats like a dream,
Before she sinks under,
Carrying in her folds,
The dying cries of the soldiers...

There in the valley
dwells the swords, bloody
near them the soil carry
noble souls,they fought, they're trustworthy

she flew around the battlefield
took a sword which was nailed
some doves was bailed
when she pointed the sword up to the sky
out of the soldier's body ,they fly

freedom by blood
safety by slaying in the light of moon
peace by mrcy ,but no ,they want you under their foot
they don't care are if you die ,no water
no food

as she rise the sword up,the blood flow
on her arm,and the sun rise, shining slow
the blood looks like pearls
like tears
like lava
like death
the blood turn black
the innocent souls want revenge
while the enemies keeps on track
they didn't now there was a trick

as the enemies was near the battlefield
she plunged the sword on soil
it was the sign of mess
it was the sign
of death

the enemies walk in the battlefield glad
gathering the spoils of this winning war
two soldiers looked at enemies mad
and start their work as long they are
the one who will bring peace the this land
they turned the machine, now it's the end
earth open it mouth eating everyone around
once down it was set on fire, bodies,armor, even ground
nothing left, exept dust and send

the enemies though they won, Alas!they lost
noble souls greated up,but they turned to wandering ghost
empty of honor, empty of trust

in the name of truth
in the name of faith
long live mercy not fight

if it take ages
if it take years
never stop being pure,Oh soldiers

© Recker_The_Ghost