

Divine Truth
The tangled knot
Of the two desires

One of fact
Other divine

Lost and vague
The concept true

Death and plaque
As if were pursued

The consequence
As forbidden done

A path dark too
A fallen one

Man is weak
And foolish too

To carry torches
In the eyes of stars

To yell out might
In the face of great

To call out demons
While none in hand

Cutting ties
While none exist

Saying lies
While truth detests

Soaring skies
While losing ground

Staying high
While none is found

The paths we take
The journey made

Is of little truth
Is of lies us told

The darkness faced
In the midst of death

The lies we taste
In the truth they kept

What do we seek?
What do we want?

We know nothing of!
We show little thought!

How is foolish man
He shows no concern

To his empty hand
To his silly yearn

But then even so
Cutting off his soul

Made him come this far
Made him high from low

He is selfish too
Yet is cunning true

To make up life from pain
To not let it end in vain

How persistent too
How resistant true

The question of life
Are vague yet firm

Their answers blurred
But yet as true as fact

My answers here
In front of you

To questions which
Are to me my life!
