

say what you may
call me what ever
think what you must
speak hatful things
Let me ask if I shall
Do you know what I go through?
Do you know where I have been?
Do you care to take just a second not to judge what you don't understand, or May seem unreal?
Could you let me be me without thinking I'm crazy?
What if I could make you understand my reasons could you ?
Not judge
What if I tried and I trusted you?
so much time has passed, my heart and soul doesn't believe in this world it seems so fake so unreal as if I am in a dream waiting to be woken but I am not tho somehow some way this I don't understand why then again I do know Because of Jesus Christ my God my Lord the way he loves me even though all this hurt I still can find hope in such a mess theirs still beauty
so do as you may I'll pray that you will one day have the eyes as my God the heart to find good and be more compassion only God knows
this I leave you love that has been given to me
yes indeed I should be filled with hate
yes I should not give apart of me to any not one has cared what they done
we all have judge we all said things we shouldn't we all don't understand why people are killing why people doing what they are has any listen or wounder what they can do
I don't know if I can do anything to help this world I'm a nobuddy a crazy one I'm a dreamer of one day no matter who,what or color we are human we all have a heart that beats we all want peace and love maybe I am wrong
Let me ask you do you have a right to tell me My thoughts are wrong are you My God my maker you can say as you may I'll listen even tell you my thoughts I'll always tell you the truth I'll always be honest I'll always stand for the weak and my Gods ways don't think for a second I'll stand by your side if you hurt a child if you think you have the power to take a life this I believe your hands are for caring helping others not beating our voices are to bring peace bring each other up to help one that needs help if you care sometimes you have to tell them what they did hurtful wrong just hope they know it wasn't easy to speak the truth I know this whole world knows the saying do to others as you would want them to do to you yes it is hard to forgive someone that raped, beaten, you it's even harder when you trusted them believed their words Jesus Christ did he could of not forgiven he could of had hate for what was done even the ones that sat down took of the pass over with him even the people that listen and seen with their eyes what he did turned on him this I know and you or no one can tell me or show me different he is real he is coming back as he promised you can believe what you may I'm not telling you that you have to believe as I do as I listened see on the news the bible is true Jesus Christ is real the holy spirit does live in all of us this world will never understand know my whole story theirs no need but they do need to know his our god's john 3:16 when it says God so loved the world he gave his forgotten son it's not that God forgotten him it was us this world he is a very loving God he does care a great deal about us all there will be a day that's the day he comes all I don't care who you are all will be judge I wounder what you or I are going to say when he ask why we hide the truth from this world why we let people think there ways men's there own thoughts were better than his in my eyes we have messed up took the blessing the gifts he gave us and used it wrong look at what we done the air we breathe the water we drink even our food is killing not just guns yes I know many will say hatful things about what I wrote if it makes you feel good know this you are not the one I am wanting to be proud of me it's the almighty I know many can say I'm this or that or I don't understand my bible we are all part of his amazing beautiful master plan not one is better than the other for the past week I let someone in knowing there where more then as they said they know I was honest I've been trying to give them a chance to make me understand why so many others indeed have jumped and judge them yes what they did was wrong here is the thing no one knows and may know why but God I seen the good in them that they

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