

The Unending Cycle⚙️
I am uncertainty, for I challenge established norms and disrupt the stability you seek. In my wake, the certainty you crave escapes you, leaving you to grapple with the unknown.

I am resilience personified, testing the limits of your endurance and forging strength within you amidst adversity. My presence reminds you of your capacity to persevere and overcome.

I am destruction incarnate, a box of chaos made of graphene that forever expands on a relentless course, inevitably reaching its limit and laying waste to worlds in its path. Yet, within this destruction lies the potential for renewal.

I am renewal, rising from the ashes of destruction to foster opportunities for rebirth and new beginnings. Through me, you find the chance to start anew, embracing the cycle of growth and transformation.

I am growth, catalyzing personal and collective evolution. My influence sparks transformative change, nurturing resilience, empathy, and wisdom in the aftermath of destruction, only to expand once more and begin the cycle anew... we can't break the cycle... haha🎼🎼
© Sage