

The Terrible murder
It is not her
but her soul,
speaking out the truth before she goes
she knows devil awaits her.
But she doesn't want to go alone
so she starts to open up,
the crimes in the dark.
"Scars on my body,
are due to those bastards
who detest female,
treat them as animals
for their own pleasure.
The knife stabs
are the evidence
of blind love and how foolish I am.
The bullets are from my only family,
beloved brother and dear parents.
Now I ask is it because I am female
Does a female have no place to go.
Will she have to suffer always."
Now she ask for justice
to the devil who hears these....
'Ok I grant you three wishes'
"then I want no revenge
let them suffer as they will
just let them feel the pain
the one i have felt.
And a bit more painfull
after they die."
