

Judge Nobody
Just because you see an ugly person
doesn't make you any better

Just because you see a poor persom
doesn't make you any richer

Just because you see a dull person
the dull person can still improve
if he/she has faith in themselves
but it does not make you any smarter

Just because everyone admires you
and no one admires another person
does not make you any better

Just because you see someone
that's not popular like you
you don't know tomorrow
in future

Just because you get 1st place
and the person you are facing
gets 2nd place
means nothing to me

Just because you are beautiful
and another person
is not as beautiful as you
doesn't make you
any more prettier

You don't know whether that person will be popular or famous in future,
rich in future,
be smart,
Get 1st place
and be admired

So don't let other put you down
like you are a nobody
you are someone
you just need to build up
your self-confidence,
believe and have faith
in yourself to see it.

© Jenniscosco