

The Unknown Space Around the Stars
In the velvet sweep of the night,
Where stars flicker like ancient scars,
Lies a vast and silent plight,
The unknown space around the stars.

A whisper of the cosmos deep,
Where mysteries and shadows merge,
In celestial silence, secrets sleep,
On the universe's darkest verge.

No light dare pierce this inky veil,
A realm where time itself is still,
Where echoes of lost worlds regale,
And dreams unknown their stories fill.

It's a canvas of infinity,
Stretching far beyond our sight,
A silent hymn of divinity,
Sung in the quiet of the night.

There, beyond each burning sphere,
In the dark where no eye gazes,
Lie questions that we hold dear,
In the cold, unseen phases.

What wonders hide in this expanse?
What tales of past and future gleam?
In this boundless cosmic dance,
The unknown space fuels our dream.

For in that void, we find our quest,
To seek, to learn, to understand,
To pierce the dark at the universe's crest,
And grasp the cosmos in our hand.

So let us gaze with hopeful eyes,
Into the night where silence mars,
For magic in the shadow lies,
In the unknown space around the stars.
© Nidhi30