

Trying to find answers.
Dazed and confused
Why am I still being accused?
I know at the end of this all, I'll be the one who will lose.
While I continue to be passed around like a commodity and get used.
I'm starting to burn out my fuse.
Just for an amuse.
Is it because I take to many poohs?
Is it because I'm stuck and see many paths I can chose?
Perhaps people might think I'm an animal and belong in a zoo?
I never knew my life was put on display for everyone to view.
Am I tripping thinking cannibals are out to make me into stew?
I need to clear my head. I'm starting to see things in two.
I have myself asking if what I saw was fake or true?
I need to get sober.
Or my life will be over.
I need a lucky charm, where is my four leaf clover.
I need change or I won't get older.
I wish I knew what's going on and why I keep getting the cold shoulder.
I'm so stubborn and I can be as hard as a massive stone bolder.
Shit is getting to weird. Perhaps I should call Skully and Moulder.
I belive winter is truly coming and it's gonna get colder.
I just wish I could be with the one I love and hold her.
Only then I could be fine with the sky falling down.
Until then I pay close attention to who's wearing the crown.
Listening to the rumors that get whispered around town.
Trust me, they are all lies and its them, not me, who's hell bound.
I'm the one who knows quality sound.
I know they just want me to lose weight and not be round.
I'm truly trying to find out how to live and turn my frown upside down.
So please just leave things as it was found.

© venkatjamespersaud