

the cherry on top
the cherry on top

By R

when a mirror sees a mirror
It sees a million mirrors

when a winner sees a winner
it sees a million winners

when I reflect on your reflection
I can go on a million miles

you're the best of all
the answers

you're like a smile
that makes me smile

recently, I had a setback
A defect you detected
I was poked
& I was prodded

I was thoroughly

But by my
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

They figured out
That I'd pull through

But the cherry on the top
Is when they found out
I knew you.

Please believe me
Please believe me

It's not too much to

You've put together
all the pieces

And your strength it

Set me free

Love's ad hominem
In addition

You're a tune hummed
By the stars

We'll go on like this forever

And Happiness
knows who we are...

© R Becker