

set me free!

I long to see the sun! Neither the moon do I know!
I only hear of amazing things
Will I ever experience them?
She said the outside is filled with laughter and love.
"That's a lie she keeps whispering to me".
I have every reason to believe her because I have been wounded.

Many years has past I haven't seen the goodness of anything!
I only wish upon wishes whenever I lay to enjoy the rhythm of rain drops on the rooftops.
"Let go of your anger!
Let go of your rejection!
Let go of your fear!
Let go of the hurts!
Release the wounds and let it heal!.
"Set me free!"
"Don't be a coward!" She scolded I'm tired of being inside! .
Take a bold step.
Show your courage!
Let out a shout!
Believe and trust!
Look at the positive!
Everyday isn't thesame, but All days worth what it provides.

I'm being stuck in this darkness
Just "set me free! ".

#loliness #forgiving#decision#histroy #romance #betrayal
© springjoymichael