

For Loved One
Though I've never laid my eyes on you, My heart beats fast for someone new.
Your name is etched within my mind, And in my dreams, you're so divine.
I long to see your smiling face, And hold you in a warm embrace.
To know the sound of your sweet voice, And let my heart rejoice.
Though distance may keep us apart, I hold you close within my heart.
With every beat, my love does grow, And in my thoughts, you always glow.
I dream of the day we'll meet, And our eyes will finally greet.
To know the girl I've come to love, And thank the heavens up above.
Until that day, I'll dream of you, And all the things we'll one day do.
I'll cherish every thought and prayer, And keep you close, with love to spare.
So though we may be worlds away, My heart is yours, come what may. For in my heart, you'll always be, The one who means the world to me.