

Title: "The impersonate Masquerade of Life."
In sooth, I ponder, who doth wear a fake guise?
A sweet face, hideth surmise,
All don masks, for benefit
and gain,
And smile, with lips that hide their pain.

Who's to say, who's true, and who's a fake?
For in life's game, all
players partake,
Maybe I, myself, do wear
a disguise,
And in this masquerade, we all compromise.

Whose words are whispered, with a silver tongue,
A serpent's hiss, that doth our senses throng?
Or is it I, who doth wear
the disguise,
A chameleon's coat, that doth my true self compromise?

Who's to say, who's true,
who's a fake?
Or maybe I, myself am fake,
A riddle, wrapped in an entangled mystery & pain,
A masquerade, that doth our hearts in vain.

The world, a stage, where we as actors play,
And truth, a fleeting glance, that doth stray.
But still we search, for authenticity's call,
A beacon in the dark, that doth our souls enthrall.

In this realm of false appearances, we often hide,
Behind masks of perfection, our true selves inside,
But like a snake sheds its skin, let us shed our disguise,
And reveal the beauty that lies within our eyes.

This impersonate Masquerade of our Life,
A dance of masks, where truth daily doth strife,
In sooth, I often ponder, who doth wearing a fake guise,
With a sweet tongue & face, hideth deceitful surmise.

To hide our true intentions, and deceive
But who can tell, who's real, and who's a fake?
In this world of masks, we
all partake,
As maybe I myself do wear a disguise masque.

The smiling face, that hides a heart of stone,
The words that's sweet, but leave a bitter taste.
The laughter that rings out, but conceals a moan,
In this game of life, we're all equal players, & we all
pay the price.

All get fooled, by these masks all wear,
But don't dismiss to look beyond the surface, & see who's actually there.
For only then, can we
truly know,
Who's true, and who's a fake, in this life we're living, don't you know?

With hearts of gold, and faces so bright,
We all hide our truth, in the dark of night,
Our words, a whisper, a show of sweet delight,
But actions speak, of a different plight.

In this grand play, we dance and we spin,
With masks of virtue, and hearts within,
That beat with deceit, and secret shame,
And hide our true selves, in a masquerade's game.

Our smiles are painted on, our eyes are bright,
But beneath the surface, a secret fight,
We wear the masks of facade
of honor, of pride,
But inside, a world of lies,
we hide.

We dance and twirl, we laugh and play,
But beneath the surface, a different way,
We hide our true intentions, our real desires,
And pretend to be, what
we aspire.

The subterfuges masks we wear, we hide our fears,
And protect us from the world's cold tears,
But we also keep all trapped, you see,
In a world of pretending, of false identity.

With rose-tinted lips, and hearts aflame,
We hide our true selves, in a secret shame,
Our words, a gentle breeze, that whispers low,
But beneath the surface, a
fire of woe.

Our faces wear, a
double disguise,
A mask of virtue, that conceals our lies,
Our sharp sabre tongues, like serpents, hiss with subtle guile,
And shed we skin, when truth doth make us smile.

In deceitful hearts, a cauldron doth brew,
A potion of falsehood, that doth our souls subdue,
We all dance with shadows, in a masquerade of night,
And flee from truth, with a coward's flight.

But oh, dear soul, beware of their design,
For in our hearts, a venomous poison doth entwine,
And though we speak, with honeyed lips so sweet,
Our words are laced, with a deceitful treat.

But oh, dear soul, dost thou not see?
That truth and love, set us free,
From this charade, of fake
and of pride,
And in humility, our
stone hearts reside.

All get fooled, by these masks all wear,
But don't dismiss to look beyond the surface, & see who's actually there.
For only then, can we
truly know,
Who's true, and who's a fake, in this life we're living, don't you know?

Thus like snake skin let us shed, the masks we wear,
And reveal our true selves, without a care,
For in authenticity, we will find our peace,
And in love's embrace, our hearts will release.

And though we stumble, and though we fall,
We rise again as phoenix, with a heart that stands tall,
For in the end, 'tis not the mask we wear,
But the love we share, that shows we truly care.

For in the end, 'tis not the mask we wear,
But the love we share, that shows we truly care,
So let us cast aside our
artificial grace,
And embrace our true nature, in all our face.

As for the love we share, it knows no bounds,
It transcends the masks we wear, it drowns,
In the sea of our hearts, it finds a home,
And there, it glows, like a beacon, all aglow.

Let us shed our masks,
and be free,
To love and be loved, wild and carelessly,
For in the end, 'tis not the mask we wear,
But the love we share, that shows we truly care.

So let us take a step back,
and see,
The truth behind the masks, the real me,
For in this grand play, we dance and spin,
Let us be true to ourselves,
and win.

© Aneemkp