

she left now your fading away
she left with the wind
your fading with the dust
amidst a crowd of hooters
now you can't hear my voice
but I can hear yours
you believe them
the fake prophets
everything they say
they say I'm evil
but you can't hear my protest to you I'm just a shifting image with memories and the poison of the prophets combined to something you cannot recognize
I hate you for not even trying
no I hate myself for not being loud enough
is that why you don't know who I am anymore
you feed the flame but keep your distance
like your afraid
you used to be fire too
but now your just water
that gets smaller each time someone uses you
but regardless your the only thing that can snuff me out
but is that what you want to do
like you snuffed her out
would you do that to you own little flame
if you do you'll be nothing
what once was your purpose would be fulfilled
then you'd be nothing
like she is now
© banele