

Queen of Pain

I stand in the shadow where darkness once reigned a throne of resilience where nothing’s unchanged...

I’ve battled the demons that haunted my soul I am now crowned Queen for the pain I control...

Each scar on my heart is a jewel in my crown
a testament to battles that I have won...

In the fire I forged this strength so fierce I reign over wounds that others would fear...

No longer a captive to fear’s bitter chain
I’ve mastered the depths of anguish and strain...

No need for the pills that use to haunt me for the pain never stopped...

In the mirror of tears I see who I’ve become
Not broken but Whole in the wars I have won...

The demons now bow at the feet of my throne
for I am the Queen who can't be overthrown...

No longer a victim but a ruler of all for I’ve conquered many demons then answered the call...

© Kassandra🔮