

My Childhood Fantasy
The world around me is constantly bustling
People left and right pushing and shoving
People constantly staring and judging

My head is now spinning
My heart is now racing
My thoughts are constantly running

I wish things could stop
I wish things could change
I wish I didn't feel this way
I wish I wasn't here
I wish I was invisible

I wish…
I wish I was in the land of dwarves and wizards
I wish to be in a world where things weren't always as they seemed

A place where things were different and far from reality
A place where fairies tend to wild flowers and fish glow and shimmer in crystal clear streams
A place where the trees move and talk to one another in whole different but ancient language

Where creatures that you only hear about in fairy tale live with one another
Where you can see pirates sail the seven seas and find treasures beyond your wildest dreams
Where you can see mountains and hills as far as the eye can see

Where you can find giants that can tell you the tale of how the world began
Where you can see dreams glow and sparkle into the night

Where the smallest creatures hide in old logs, tall tree trunks, the smallest blades of grass and long clear rivers
Where the forgotten animals such as the bison and dodo once again roam

Where the sky is lit up with a trillion stars no matter where you are
Where the sky might not always be clear but it's always in your favor

Where things are better..
Where things might not make sense to most but makes sense to people like me

© FragmentsInTheWind