

Heart Cries
Heightened excited voices
Echoing back and forth
Around my conscious mind
Marching, tapping feet
Actively pacing
Towards preplanned destinations.
Seemingly having a schedule.
They move in groups, sit in groups,
eat in groups and most times laugh in groups
They say we, I say me.

I'm there sitting by myself
Though we all left together
I'm there standing alone
Though surrounded by many
But when I think of me.......
I say me
Because it seems, most times,
It's only me.
I feel only me.

Heart cries sharp to it's utterer
Faint to the hearer
Often a whisper of wind is louder
Amidst the chatter of many
If you can, please do
Search for the lonely heart crying
Almost vivid through lost gazes
A genuine smile
A heartwarming reach
Rips the loneliness apart

© Gloria walters