

Night 🌃
In twilight's hush where shadows creep,
Dreams stir and dance in realms of sleep.
Visions weave a tapestry bright,
Where hopes take flight on wings of light.

But lurking deep where darkness dwells,
Nightmares prowl with chilling yells.
Claws of fear, they tear and rend,
Shattering the peace dreams send.

Yet in this clash of dark and fair,
We find the essence, stark and rare.
For dreams, they teach us how to soar,
Nightmares, the depths we must explore.

So embrace both, with heart and mind,
For in their dance, truths we find.
Dreams reveal what could be true,
Nightmares show what we must do.

In the realm where both collide,
We confront fears, with courage ride.
For dreams and nightmares, hand in hand,
Shape our journey, where we stand.

So let them guide, both dark and bright,
Through the labyrinth of day and night.
For in their dance, our souls refine,
Dreams and nightmares, both divine.
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