

on the dark night of endless confusion
falling hard into the abyss
shattering into pieces,
floating in space...
scattered random pieces of a puzzle
puzzle unknown, of crumbled self,
untended in space unknown
to self itself!
a speck of shine from faraway unknown,
passing through the shattered pieces,
a piece gaining back glory,
once lost but found!
this lone piece held its shine tight, determined,
dormant, in years of solitude,
The timing of moving pieces aligned,
bringing together two pieces,
another piece in resonance
to shiny one
slowly invigorating more pieces
holding each other right, shining,
in the vast chasm, they unite,
of once lost self
patiently there, picking up piece by piece,
it's alright, to move in that pace,
there shined the first piece brighter,
in the center
the infinite's center!

© Ankur