Wet Dream
I dreamt a dream worrisome dream
I wasn't thinking about you
but about how I'd been a fool
and the thought of it
made me lost my cool
anger and pain chased each other within me
so that I cursed and gritted my teeth in pain
in my dream I saw you
how it all began
Your tender look and innocent smile that took me in
but you were un loved
and untaken care of
so I took you in
and bathe you
and changed your tatard raiments
and nursed your wounds
you ate my wheat
drank wine from my best vine
And glowed in beauty from my...
I wasn't thinking about you
but about how I'd been a fool
and the thought of it
made me lost my cool
anger and pain chased each other within me
so that I cursed and gritted my teeth in pain
in my dream I saw you
how it all began
Your tender look and innocent smile that took me in
but you were un loved
and untaken care of
so I took you in
and bathe you
and changed your tatard raiments
and nursed your wounds
you ate my wheat
drank wine from my best vine
And glowed in beauty from my...