

Circles of Knowledge

A teacher's words, like stones cast deep,
Into the pond of young minds, they creep,
Ripples form, and circles grow,
Ever-expanding, as knowledge starts to flow.

Like waves that spread, far and wide,
Their impact echoes, deep inside,
A single phrase, a lesson taught,
Can change the course, of a life brought.

The ripples merge, and intersect too,
As minds connect, and ideas shine through,
The teacher's voice, a catalyst true,
Igniting sparks, that forever shine anew.

In this pond of learning, we all reside,
Where wisdom's waves, our souls abide,
The teacher's words, a never-ending sea,
Of inspiration, that sets our spirits free.

Their influence spreads, like ripples on the shore,
Forever leaving, a lasting score,
A symphony of knowledge, that resounds,
In the hearts of students, where love abounds.

This poem aims to capture the profound impact of a teacher's words, comparing them to the ever-expanding ripples in a pond, symbolizing the far-reaching and lasting effects on students' minds and lives.

© Sparklës