

Worst of both sides
Could have been strong and confident,
could have been a person every body wants,
could have been so much more,
she is so pretty and he is so cool,
she is intelligent and he is smart,
but their worst traits,
the things I hate about them,
are the things I hate about myself,
they deserved better than me,
but all they got,
is the worst of both sides in one...

I'll never know what it feels like to feel happy,
cause every time I smile,
I know it'll go away,
I'll ever know what it feels like to be someone's number one,
will always just be another option,
everyone keeps asking me,
why'd I change so much,
and all I keep asking myself is why am I not good enough,
where are all my good qualities,
where are all my unique features, that make me me,
all I see is an average person,
who had potential but she wasted it all,
a disappointment,
messed up in her head,
where are the things that were supposed to be in my blood,
I got your worst,
and now all I feel when you look at me,
is that I am the someone you never wanted to become,
I don't blame you,
I guess I wasn't destined for anything good,
you say how you love me,
but every second that I spend with you,
the more we talk,
I feel like you don't like me anymore...
do you?

© ~notyourfavperson