

My Mother
My mother has the softest heart
She wears it on her bruised wrist
Tho many have tried to rip her willed heart apart
She still loves openly she takes that risk
It's one of the many uncountable things of her I admire
That and her strength to get out of any situation
She's an unquenchable flame an undying fire
She's God's beautiful creation
With her head held high she goes through every storm
She takes many hits for me and my siblings
I might not know much about love but she's it's purest form
She's optimistic despite the struggles the day brings
Her kindness, her leadership the wind sings
Yes there are days where it gets too much
Where's she's down and under a lot of pressure
Yet her Ability to keep on fighting stays I've never seen such
She loves us without measure
How lucky we are to have the experience
My Mom's a true treasure
And I'll never take her for granted
Her arms as soft as newly made pillows
They provide the peace you've always wanted
Our safe haven our Marshmallow
There are days we upset her a lot
We do stupid things or hurt her unintentionally
She gets mad but leaving us she does not
We are sorry mom we love you unconditionally

Happy Mothers day!!❤️

© eve_is_a_poet