

Listen! Love's on Air
Hear again
the jingle—
valen-Thine and valen-Mine
You wonder what is it again this time:
love? sex? booze? or everything mingled
like a cocktail of wild wine.
Well, listen!
love's on air
speaking in defence
against the craze
you call love;
shouting down the nonsense
of wild frenzies
you call love;
telegraphing in offence
of the 2/14th legend
we've christened Love:

love's an everyday gift,
why wait for fourteenth to give us a lift?

love makes every day special,
why wait for the fourteenth's ritual?

love's labour's never lost,
why eat your fourteenth at all cost?

love's not what you call it
you never needed fourteenth to know this:

love is loving—
all of our days
should be a valenTIME.
Love's never off air...

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