

What if `A girl ´?

As time goes by,
I woke from the cradle
to quench the candle-
brightened by my childhood.
It was dainty days,
when i was acting-
in the ways,
I am mommy to my doll.
As time goes by,
I evoked to desire
about the zenith.
It was to fly above eagle,
to reveal that though the eagle can't
"I can fly upon money"

As time goes by,
People hurled me to the woods,
Brimmed with emptediness..
my petrified mind didint dare,
cause no one to care.

As the time goes by,
My naked eyes went dark
with rainbow of tears.
I yelled alone
my echo spread around..
At sudden
Some strange whispers -
Pierced my ears
Those words broke me into tears..
"All these ignorance, was
the reason I am a girl!"

As time goes by,
My soul was gazing,
with perging perspiration..
to my body itself.
'I felt ashamed'
Its to you dear society..
Dont you feel shame?

-Hilfa fathima-