

75 years
Of Victory
Of Unity
Of Liberty
With the promise of equality
the promise of opportunity
the promise of Freedom..

For all..
We have walked is a
the path strewn with caltrops,
Our efforts mocked
our land and life ridiculed and ignored,
Our power unacknowledged
our people dismissed as frail and fruitless,
Our wars always we fought alone
our name, the many soiled and muddied..
The darkness that clouded
many nations past
clouded our backyard,
The plea of our people was seen as weakness, Untill the many were rocked in their towers..
The hunger is now constant at times almost bearable
but the mockery of our dignity
is sad at times painful..
we struggled half a hundred years..
after a thousand years
of bondage and slavery,
And still the world ignores our fight..

We were torn and broken in many places..
We licked our wounds
and build our Great old nation ..
For a thousand years we fought tyrants
We will do that for a thousand more..
But reckon this time we do that united
Under a single flag of Unity ..
Under a single flag of Liberty ..
Under a single flag of Victory..
Brace yourself,
do you hear that roar..
that's a billion hearts rising..
The Tiger Rising!!

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