

Cackles and Tinsel: The Comedy of Christmas Chickens

🐔 Attention, dear chickens, lend me your ear,
'Tis Christmas, a time that's filled with cheer.
But beware, my feathered friends, take heed,
For humans crave turkey, a festive need!

🎄 In the coop, a meeting, let's convene,
Discussing strategies, unseen and keen.
Dress as rubber chickens, be sly and sly,
Escape the fate of a holiday pot pie!

🍗 Feathered disguises, festive and bright,
Blend with ornaments, stay out of sight.
Gobble softly, lest they catch a clue,
Survive this season, oh brave chicken crew!

🎅 Santa's watching, so don't be naive,
Avoid the oven, and just believe.
In this festive dance, a poultry prance,
May your Christmas be free of forks and a chance!

© Aquilo-Dominic G. Udo