

George E. Schachle

Hope is something that people hang on to. Hoping that things will get better for them. But some people have given up on hope, in their lives.
Because they have nothing to look forward to. That their life will never get better for them. They have given up, because nothing has ever went well for them.
There are some people that keep hope and faith, in their life. That things will get better and that they will be alright. And sometimes for some people, it dose. And their life dose get better and gives them something to look forward to.
And for those who have given up, think that there's no reason to try or to care anymore. And when that happens. They start to push everyone around them away.
They have given up, on their self. And have lost their self confidence, their hope their faith. And feel like that, everyone around them have given up on them too.
They feel alone not wanted. They feel that they are not worth the time or effort. That's what happens, when someone loses their hope and faith, and has given up. That there is nothing for them, to look forward to in their life.
All because they have given up and lost HOPE.

© August 22,2023