

My Love?
Do you truly love me or are you just using me, my love?
You don't do anything for me, why?
I shouldn't be expecting things, but I do so much for you.
And get nothing in return.

All you want to do is make out.
Is that all I'm good for?
Am I just a body to you,
Even though you claim you love me?

In the silence of your actions,
I search for the truth in your words.
Do you see me for who I am,
Or just for what I can give?

I crave a love that is deeper,
One that goes beyond the physical.
I want to be valued for my heart and soul,
Not just seen as a vessel for desire.

So tell me, my love,
Do you truly love me,
Or am I just a body to you?
I deserve to know the truth.
© Jaspertheghost