

You’ll Be the Love I’ll Always Know
The threads of you, they weave through me,
A tapestry of joy and pain,
You're etched in every memory,
No storm can wash you from my brain.
I wear your love, a silken chain,
A melody I hum again.

The sun may rise, the moon may wane,
But in my heart, you'll always be,
Each whispered word, each gentle rain,
Reminds me of your love for me,
No other hand I'd rather see,
Than yours, my love, eternally.

Your laughter echoes in my soul,
A timeless song I cannot fade,
From dawn to dusk, you take control,
My every thought, my every shade,
I'm yours, my love, a love that's laid,
In whispers soft, and light displayed.

You are a warmth I cherish deep,
A haven from the world's unkindness,
My love for you, I'll always keep,
A fire that burns, a love that binds,
No fading light, no parting winds,
Only the love that truly finds.

A love that's true, a love that's blind,
A love that knows no earthly bound,
You are my fate, my heart, my mind,
In every thread, you're deeply wound,
A love that time can never drown,
You are the sun, and I, the moon.

Forever yours, my love, my boon,
I'll hold you close until I die,
You'll never be unloved, my moon,
You are too tangled in my soul,
Each breath I take, each story told,
You'll be the love I'll always know.

© matthewwwebster