

The uninvolvement.

I am the stream that flows beside the road,
Where crowds surge by like rivers of the night;
They rush to chase the shadows others sowed,
While I move slow, untouched by blinding lights.

The world is fevered in its frenzied dance,
A tempest fed by screens and shouts and fame,
But I refuse their chants, their hollow trance,
I walk apart, immune to their acclaim.

They build their castles on the winds of noise,
Their towers tall but trembling in the gust,
I build my peace in quiet, gentle poise,
A place that no delusion can combust.

Let them all bend and sway with every breeze,
I’ll stand like oaks that whisper to the sky,
Unafraid to question or to seize
The wisdom found in what they pass by.

For I have learned the value of a choice,
To not be swept by currents that deceive,
To find my strength in my own steadfast voice,
And in the quiet, deeper truths retrieve.
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