

Sense in hardships
It is a clichè to say
That hardships are part of life
Redundant as it may sound
It'll always be relevant in life
Life's chaotic nature
Makes life a beautiful adventure

But when hardships become ubiquitous
That, one remembers no joyous
Or pleasant memories
Then hardships are unpleasant ordeals
That make no sense

To make Sense
Of prolonged ordeals is to
Go down a labyrinth of webs
With no end
A storm after another
In a manner that no gulf of pleasantness
Puts them asunder
Quenches one's hope for life

But I, in my faithful reckoning
Reckon that A venture
Into that Lybarinth of webs is a venture
Of those seeking to be lost
A Loss that results in
The ailments of a life carrier
A Loss greatly despised
By any vile, fiendish pursuer

What then?
Shall I say persevere, Persist ?
And be courageous to
Take on the incessant hardships and
Be strong?
As long as it makes sense to
Be strong

© siphe