

Family, a word so dear
Bound by love, forever near
Through thick and thin, they stand by
A source of comfort, never dry

In this world of chaos and strife
Family is the thread that holds life
A shelter in times of storm
A light that keeps us warm

From the moment we take our first breath
Family becomes our anchor, our strength
Guiding us along life's winding road
With their love, we're never alone

They celebrate our every win
And wipe away our tears within
They know us like no other
Our secrets, they'll never uncover

Through the years, as we grow
Our family remains the constant glow
With every milestone, they rejoice
And in our failures, they give us voice

They teach us the value of love
And the blessings of the One above
They show us what it means to care
And how a simple hug can repair

Family, a bond that never dies
Through generations, it multiplies
A legacy that's passed on with pride
A love that will forever abide

So here's to family, our greatest treasure
A bond that's beyond measure
For in this world, where nothing stays
Family is what will forever remain.

© nusrataijazlaway