

Relevance only equals importance if your sacred love means something to them

Why should you twist and turn your neck for someone not going beyond the scales for you?
They do so little whilst your heart beats out your chest making sure everything you do is aligned with their happiness

So as time shifts you lose yourself in the process because they become a part of your personality till there’s nothing left of you

Your spirit wonders in the air waiting to connect with your body again when trying to pair yourself with your destiny

Is that what's best for me? Checking on you when I don’t even check on me?

Unloving myself without realisation that I’m fading soon, and you don’t care because you’re too busy finding someone else to improve
I guess people were right when they said nothing last forever but in this case, I was a fool

I let my feelings overpower my intellect when the signs were right there

I hate to say it but your so-called friends and lovers are the ones that make you feel this way, pissed in a prison that you call your brain.

Trapped in your thoughts with no escape, but if there is one how do I leave all these memories with no regrets or second thoughts

So I thought to myself create a fantasy world till it all comes true, now look at me following my dreams hoping the plan falls through

Even if I don’t find equivalents to my destiny right now, I know God will check on me
And set me up for greater blessings before life ends for me.