

LGBTQ+ praise
In a world diverse and full of grace,
Where love knows no confined space,
There exists a rainbow of souls so bright,
A beautiful tapestry of colors, shining in light.

Let us celebrate with open hearts and minds,
The vibrant spectrum that love finds,
For in the realm of love's embrace,
LGBTQ+ shines with strength and grace.

With courage, they have faced the storm,
Breaking barriers, transforming norms,
Their journey a testament of resilience,
A testament to love's undying brilliance.

In every corner of this wondrous earth,
Their stories echo, proclaiming worth,
Love knows no boundaries, love knows no fears,
For love is love, in all its varied cheers.

They've taught us lessons, powerful and strong,
That authenticity is where we belong,
Their courage inspires us to be true,
To embrace our own colors, shining through.

Let us stand united, hand in hand,
Supporting the rights, taking a stand,
For love is love, a melody so profound,
In the LGBTQ+ community, beauty is found.

So let the voices sing and freedom ring,
In celebration, let us all joyfully sing,
Praising love in all its forms,
Embracing the diversity that our world adorns.

For love knows no boundaries, love knows no bounds,
In the LGBTQ+ community, love resounds,
Let us honor their journey, their shining light,
With love and acceptance, together we unite.
© Jennifer ❤️