

Life's Dissertation
My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,
A hidden truth in the book,
A maiden by the look,
But what you see is not what you get,
It's a dream to be dreamt.

In capsules of knowledge,
A device called a book,
Lies a pledge to be made,
You reap what you sow.
Disguised in acts of heroism,
Lies a tell about a tale,
Of hardwork and discovery,
Success and failure,
And failure and success.

Scalarly roaming about,
Brought failure without boundaries,
A hound to my mound,
Looking to eat my bounty,
To reduce the elevation of my mound,
So as to drive me into the ground,
But I did not let circumstance define my mouth,
For what I ate was made of sweat,
A drink so sweet it can kill an indolent.

Although my life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,
A hidden truth in the book,
A maiden by the look,
And what you see is not what you get,
And it's a dream to be dreamt.
Not all was about sadness,
Not everything was slack,
Not even the shack in the woods.
Though it felt like all I ever owned was a rag,
I wasn't always a wreck,
I made it through the ranks,
Kicking and smiling like a shark,
I moved as if I was meant to rule the oceans.

Options were tied into the commotion,
A rush to be what my peers thought would pay the most,
Too bad I was always tied to my emotions,
I never could do what my heart did not think was a promotion,
A solution to the battle of mind and heart was needed,
On one hand I had to do something to earn a living,
On the other my heart could not survive the evening,
If ever I chose to be what everyone else was for a living,
I could never forgive myself if I murdered my passion,
A stab in the middle of my heart for what was in fashion,
A sin unforgivable all for a sure way of life,
Never in my heart. A battle between logic and emotion,
A battle between certainty and exploring,
I chose to explore.

Sweat isn't always sweet,
Sometimes it spills and people spit,
Appreciation for your work goes unhinged,
Perception failing to see the creation.
From the very abyss of your being you want them to see,
A beauty from the seas that came to be seen,
But a narrow view shows them only a spleen,
And the masterpiece is labelled a monster,
Should this be the case,
Remember that all is fair in love,
Remember that all is fair in war,
Whether you keep showing affection,
Or you keep soldiering on,
Is factor that will turn you to king from pawn.

My life is an open book,
That led me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey,
A hidden truth in the book,
A maiden by the look,
And I am still discovering,
Even though now and again I find myself in recovery,
I try my best to get back on my feet,
Just so I can accomplish many fits.

My life is an open book,
I pened it to paper for you to read,
Should you choose to plant a seed,
Feel free to use it for reference,
For the mistakes I made are mine,
And the mistakes I will make are mine,
But you can also take something from them to keep in your mind,
So that should you find yourself in a situation such as mine,
A judgment call with someone to refer to may give you peace of mind.